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Morgan Morrow, DNAP, CRNA

Blaire Wouters, DNP, CRNA

Anna Clark, MSN, CRNA

Laura Meaney, DNAP, CRNA


22 CEs: 16 live, 6 online (will be emailed at least one month prior to physical conference)

Day 1 Sunday 02/20/2022


0745-0800: Introductions


0800-0900: Less hocus and more POCUS-utilization of POCUS to improve patient outcomes in the setting of anesthesia


0900-1000: POCUS for gastric scanning-how to assess gastric volume and apply to clinical practice


1000-1100: POCUS for cardiac scanning-determing  EF and filling volumes utilizing TTE 


1100-1200: POCUS for vascular access-improving patient safety outcomes 


1200-1300: Lunch break


1300-1700: Open scanning stations (gastric volume, cardiac, vascular access) 


Day 2 Monday, February 21, 2022


0800-0900: Background: First Do No Harm


0900-1000: Barriers to the implementation of OFA/PNB in clinical practice 


1000-1100: Upper extremity nerve blocks-indications, contraindications, common complications


1100-1200: Lower extremity nerve blocks-indications, contraindications, common complications


1200-1300: Lunch break


1300-1400: Truncal blocks-indications, contraindications, common complications


1400-1700: Open scanning stations (upper extremity, lower extremity, truncal) 



*Please be advised that proof of vaccination will be required to complete registration and can be emailed to Masks will be required during lectures and scanning.*

EmpowHER Anesthesia at the University of Tulsa

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